Performance Metrics - I

The Intel NUC5i7RYH was evaluated using our standard test suite for low power desktops / industrial PCs. We revamped our benchmark suite early last year after the publication of the Intel D54250WYK NUC review. We reran some of the new benchmarks on the older PCs also, but some of them couldn't be run on loaner samples. Therefore, the list of PCs in each graph might not be the same.

Futuremark PCMark 8

PCMark 8 provides various usage scenarios (home, creative and work) and offers ways to benchmark both baseline (CPU-only) as well as OpenCL accelerated (CPU + GPU) performance. We benchmarked select PCs for the OpenCL accelerated performance in all three usage scenarios. These scores are heavily influenced by the CPU in the system as well as the RAM speed. Even though the Core i7-5557U in the NUC5i7RYH is not as powerful as the Core i7-4770R in the BRIX Pro, we find that the scores are neck and neck, with the former even edging out the more powerful variant (possibly due to differences in the OpenCL drivers that they were tested with).

Futuremark PCMark 8 - Home OpenCL

Futuremark PCMark 8 - Creative OpenCL

Futuremark PCMark 8 - Work OpenCL

Miscellaneous Futuremark Benchmarks

Futuremark PCMark 7 - PCMark Suite Score

Futuremark 3DMark 11 - Extreme Score

Futuremark 3DMark 11 - Entry Score

Futuremark 3DMark 2013 - Ice Storm Score

Futuremark 3DMark 2013 - Cloud Gate Score

In the other Futuremark benchmarks, the relative performance is as expected - the Core i7-4770R leads the pack, followed by the Core i7-5557U in the NUC5i7RYH. This trend is also present in the CINEBENCH results discussed below.

3D Rendering - CINEBENCH R15

We have moved on from R11.5 to R15 for 3D rendering evaluation. CINEBENCH R15 provides three benchmark modes - OpenGL, single threaded and multi-threaded. Evaluation of select PCs in all three modes provided us the following results.

3D Rendering - CINEBENCH R15 - Single Thread

3D Rendering - CINEBENCH R15 - Multiple Threads

3D Rendering - CINEBENCH R15 - OpenGL

Introduction and Setup Impressions Performance Metrics - II
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  • nathanddrews - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    Ticks generally also bring a thorough lineup of SKUs and better performance. No matter, Skylake will be here soon enough.
  • chizow - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    Overall I've been happy with my Haswell-NUC, but all the recent deals for the Alienware Alpha at $399 completely obliterate the NUC, imo. Unfortunately the Alpha was not an option when I built my NUC this time last year, but it is a far better option mainly due to the far superior onboard dGPU (GTX 860m+) option.
  • kmmatney - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    Wow - I've never heard of the Alienware Alpha, but it does look like a better deal, which a much better GPU, and comes with an OS. I couldn't find the $399 deal, though. The coupon code had expired for the one I did come across.
  • ezridah - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    Microcenter has them for $299 right now if you're lucky enough to be near one that has them in stock still. Mine didn't :(
  • jabber - Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - link

    Oh that's a much more sensible sized device too. These things don't have to be micro tiny. The size of a hard-backed book is fine.
  • deruberhanyok - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    What's the quality of noise on that "slightly audible" under heavy load? Is it just a whoosh of air, which is fairly easy to ignore, or is it a sort of whining sound from the fan spinning at high speed, which is much harder to dismiss?
  • ganeshts - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    It is not a whining sound - that is more a characteristic of small diameter fans at high speed.

    This is a sustained 'whoosh of air' - it is not easy to ignore IMO, but that is subjective. All I can compare it to is against the Broadwell-U NUC - in that case, the whoosh could be ignored (again, subjective)
  • deruberhanyok - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    thanks Ganesh!
  • Uplink10 - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    My thoughts:
    1. There should be a second GbE port which would make this PC a lot more versatile. Plus this PC supports Virtualization and even VT-d (although VT-d in Mini-PCs is underused than it would be in PCs with free PCIExpress slots) and often it comes handy if you have at least two GbE ports.
    2. You should use external SSD for more consistent and bottleneck proof speeds.
    3. External Antenna would improve signal strength.
    4. If we are talking about full sized HDMI I would also expect full sized DP and since DP is the future, if I had to choose one, I would choose full sized DP.
  • dmdeemer - Monday, April 20, 2015 - link

    "Over the last couple of years, mini-PCs in the ultra-compact form factor (UCFF) have emerged as one of the bright spots in the troubled PC market."

    Please stop using this line at the top of every UCFF article. copy-paste is unprofessional, and reflects badly on the rest of the article's content before I even read it.

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